
All EPCs are NOT created equally.


When shopping for a network to run a campaign, how many of you have run a campaign split test between two networks? Most all of you I would guess! Did you know that if you make your decision on EPC alone, you may be short changing yourself because all EPCs are not created equally.

What’s different? Let’s start by discussing how EPC is calculated. Earnings per click, or more accurately earnings per UNIQUE click. The variable that isn’t usually considered is when a click is determined as a unique.

There are a couple things to take into consideration when determining a unique click:

HOW a unique click is identified and WHEN a unique click is still considered unique. First, HOW a unique click is identified varies. In our research, we found that some people identify a unique click by using some combination of the following: IP, User-agent, Cookie, DFP (device fingerprint) etc. The difference is what combination is used. Is it IP or IP + Cookie, or IP + User-agent, DFP + cookie etc.

The next thing that can make a difference is WHEN a click is considered unique and just like how, when varies by advertiser/network. Some advertiser/networks reset the unique daily, some after 48 hours, some monthly. This can have a massive impact on how many uniques you are credited for and what your effective EPC ends up being.

Keep all this in mind as you split test to get the top provider for your offers.

If you would like to discuss this subject further or have anything else, please feel free to reach out to me via Skype: Society.Invite

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